Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Monistat Side Effects: You Need to Know Before use for treat yeast infection

If you ever experienced a vaginal yeast infection than you must have heard of the Drug “Monistat” They have many option for treat yeast infection such as 1 day 3 days or 7 Days. But have you heard of all the negative side effects that come along with it? Are you unsure of what alternative options are available or have you been manipulated to believe that Monistat is apparently the best thing on the market for your yeast infection?

If this is the case I have some information that will absolutely shock you as I expose all the possible Monistat side effects. Monistat is far from the best yeast infection option and it’s even further from being side effect free!

Listed Monistat Side Effects directly from the product Package are as follows: A mild increase in vaginal burning, itching, irritation or headache may occur when the product is used. Abdominal cramping has also been reported.

Here are some more Monistat Side Effects from consumers:

On an online poll conducted, a whopping 56% of women indicated that they had experienced severe Monistat Side Effects! What’s worse is only 11% indicated that they experienced No reaction to Monistat. That’s about a 9 in 10 chance of experiencing a reaction! Do you really want to take the risk?

Severe additional Monistat Side Effects experienced were as follows:

• abdominal pain
• hives
• skin rash
• severe vaginal burning
• itching
• irritation
• swelling

Unlike some other drug treatments like Nystatin, which is commonly used for severe yeast infections, which also by the way has some pretty harsh side effects of its own.

Monistat side effects can also occur in a less obvious way. The active ingredient in Monistat Micronazole Nitrate is absorbed into the skin and in organs such as the intestine when taken either orally or vaginally. The risk involved with this is unknown at this point. However it should be noted that anytime a drug is able to pass into the bloodstream when it is not tested for this purpose there should be some skepticism.

So what is the solution then? Simply put use natural vaginal yeast infection remedies. Natural treatments for curing a vaginal yeast infection have been proven for centuries. What do you think women were doing before the DRUG companies came along? The answer is they were using natural remedies!

Gather the following:

A Clean Towel, Unsweetened Yogurt, and A Spoon, Needle-Less Syringe or Tampon.

Lie down on your back with a towel underneath you; make sure you feel as comfortable as possible. Using either a spoon, needle-free syringe or a tampon, apply the yogurt all over your vulva and be sure to insert it into your vagina. If possible lay enough towels under your bottom so that your genitals are elevated, this is a good way to ensure that the yogurt stays inside and also helps expose your genitals to as much oxygen as possible.

If you must stand while using this yogurt treatment be sure to wear a panty liner to catch any additional drips.

When you are finished with this therapy, fill up a bath high enough to make full contact with your vagina. Add 1-2 cups of apple cider vinegar and 1-2 cups of sea salt to the bath. With your legs open, continually swish water into the direction of your vagina. This is an excellent way to clean out your vagina following the yogurt treatment and is also an effective natural treatment for your yeast infection.

This is only one of the many various natural vaginal yeast infection treatments you should use when encountering a vaginal yeast infection. Many other treatments can provide even faster results and relief, some times in only minutes. I hope this article has shed some light on how dangerous Monistat side effects can really have on you health and I hope you consider the natural yeast infection remedy above and not some dangerous drug!

Monday, May 31, 2021

Yeast Infections And Condoms: Men Need To Be Protected

It is a misconception that women are the only ones that can get yeast infections. Men are also susceptible to penile yeast infections, as well as an oral form of yeast infection. Some men are more vulnerable than others to yeast infections, such as men with HIV. Heterosexual couples could also pass the yeast infection to each other through unprotected sex.

It is a misconception that women are the only ones that can get yeast infections. Men are also susceptible to penile yeast infections, as well as an oral form of yeast infection.

Some men are more vulnerable than others to yeast infections, such as men with HIV. Heterosexual couples could also pass the yeast infection to each other through unprotected sex

Men get yeast infections the same way women do, but with different circumstances. Candida is simply an overgrowth of yeast in the body that can manifest in women or men. Women often experience this as a vaginal infection. For men, Candida often manifests as a rash on your skin. This could be on your arms, your face or the more closed and damp areas like your groin/genital area.

Symptoms of Male Yeast Infection

• Irritation / soreness on the head of the penis
• Reddish rash / itching on the head of the penis
• Small blisters on the head and shaft
• Rash that spreads into the groin and anus with itching and irritation.
• Clumpy discharge from the penis.

Having unprotected sex with a woman with a yeast infection could pass it on to you. This form of infection is passed between people through direct contact and is considered a sexually transmitted disease. A woman with yeast infection could infect her partner, treat her own infection, and then get infected again by the man by having sex with him again. It is always smart to refrain from vaginal intercourse during an infection.

For men, a yeast infection can get worse if not treated. The fungus can start on the head of the penis and it can travel down the shaft, into the moist areas of the groin and onto the anus where it can develop into a painful itchy anal rash. Though rare, the fungus may even travel inside the shaft of the penis where it would then cause a yeasty discharge. This is a horrifying sight and creates painful urination. You may also have the other symptoms of Candida yeast overgrowth, fatigue, stomach bloating / indigestion / burping, brain fog, fungal sinus infections, white film on your tongue, etc.

Prolonged antibiotic use can also cause you to develop a penile yeast infection, although this form is far less common than sexual transmission. Antibiotics could kill the good bacteria keeping the yeast in check, allowing the infection to take over.

Men with diabetes are also more susceptible to yeast infections, due to the higher levels of sugar in the urine. This environment is ideal for increasing the yeast normally present in the groin area. If you have frequent yeast infections due to diabetes consult your doctor immediately.

Condom use has also been known to contribute to yeast infections in gay men. Condoms using a lubricant containing nonoxynol-9 have been known to contribute to the development in anal yeast infections. This is very possibly due to the fact that it is also known to develop vaginal yeast infections among women. If this is a problem for you, try using condoms that do not use nonoxynol-9.

Alternative Treatment Methods For Vaginal Yeast Infections: Using Plain Yogurt

Treatments available in discount and drug stores for vaginal yeast infections can be messy and expensive. Even if you buy off brand treatments, you’re still paying $10 or more per treatment.

More and more women are turning to alternative treatment methods and home remedies. Some women find it difficult to justify killing a bacterial infection with use of more medication. Sometimes medication just doesn’t do it.

People in the medical field just do not take vaginal yeast infections seriously and consider them to be a very minor irritation

For some women who experience recurring vaginal yeast infections, they are not a minor irritation. If you are getting a yeast infection four or more times a year, you’re getting chronic infections. This may be because the treatments you are using aren’t completely getting rid of the infection. I once went to the doctor for a yeast infection and paid over $20 for one pill which was supposed to kill the infection. The doctor told me that if the pill didn’t work, I should buy an over-the-counter treatment and use it. Since then, I have not gone to the doctor for a yeast infection treatment. Why bother if I’m just going to have to spend additional money on an over-the-counter treatment?

Let’s face it, it’s not in the best interest of the doctors or the manufacturers of the treatments for the treatment to be 100% effective. They definitely don’t want you to find out that you can treat your yeast infection naturally because we spend a lot of money on their products. If you get a yeast infection once a month, you’re spending a week out of each month treating an infection and are spending anywhere from $10 to $20 for treatment. That’s $120 to $240 a year! That’s insane!

Yogurt naturally fights yeast infections. You can eat a serving of plain yogurt every day to help prevent recurring yeast infections. If you already have a yeast infection and would like to attempt to treat it naturally, purchase a carton of plain yogurt. The yogurt should be plain with no added sugar or fruit. One reason we get yeast infections is because of the additional sugar our bodies create sometimes (which is why diabetics and pregnant women often suffer from vaginal yeast infections more than others). The yogurt should have active cultures (read the outside of the container).

Yogurt can be used as a topical treatment much like the ointments and lotions that come in the yeast infection treatment kits. Some women dip a tampon in plain yogurt and insert into the vagina, but I personally feel this is a very bad idea. One of the reasons women sometimes get yeast infections is because using a tampon can create small cuts and tears that bacteria can get into.

You can place a small amount of the yogurt into cheese cloth and insert this into your vaginal opening overnight. This option may not seem very appealing either. Personally, I would obtain a cheap yeast infection kit that comes with the disposable applicator tubes (or save them from the last time) and use it to insert the yogurt into your vagina just like you would insert medicated cream. Make sure you are thoroughly washing and disinfecting the applicator tube if you are saving it to use again. If the yogurt irritates instead of makes you feel better, discontinue use.

Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Recurring Yeast Infections In Infants

The occurrence of yeast infections four times in any given year is classified as recurring and if left unchecked or the cause for the yeast infection undiscovered, these occurrences can lead to the risk of more serious problems, such as a weakened immune system or chronic urinary tract infections.

Recurring yeast infections or chronic yeast infection is not only annoying but it can also put you at risk of other illnesses. When you have more than four infections in a year, you have a condition known as recurring yeast infection.

Yeast infections in babies are common. Infants can catch a yeast infection during birth from their mothers, where the yeast is naturally present. The yeast infection will start to show on the baby’s skin within a few hours of birth. Babies that are on antibiotics or breastfeeding babies who’s mothers are on antibiotics are more susceptible to yeast infections and parents should be extra vigilant to prevent yeast infections. Another cause of recurring yeast infection is food, especially sugars and sweet treats. If a breastfeeding mother’s diet is high in these, she can pass on the yeast infection through her breast milk to her infant.

Many infants get an oral yeast infection known as thrush. Infants get thrush because yeast is everywhere and infants are more susceptible to this than healthy adults. The symptoms include white patches on the tongue and inner cheeks. The treatment for thrush is often a prescription of Nystatin.

Breastfeeding children with thrush will likely pass the infection to their mother’s nipples (mastitis) causing a painful infection. Mothers should be treated along with their child to avoid passing the infection back and forth.

It is also important for recurring yeast infection sufferers to become familiar with the possible causes of their infections. While many patients with recurring yeast infections are eventually placed on prescription medications, medical professionals are reluctant to use this course of treatment because of the possibility of becoming immune to the drug.

The problem with conventional medicine is that it generally does not restore a healthy body ecology, allowing a recurring yeast infection.

Skin infections involving Candida species can become a recurring yeast infection whenever the conditions leading to the infection do not change. If those with recurring yeast infections of the skin do not keep the affected areas clean and dry, even after the infection is treated, recurrences are likely. Perhaps the most severe form of a recurring yeast infection is that which affects the bowels. Candida overgrowth in the colon may not affect the bowel function but, instead, provide a reservoir for recurring yeast infections in other body areas, especially in the urogenital tract.

A proper diagnosis is very important to ensure you receive the most appropriate and effective treatment to cure your yeast infection. Some products merely relieve the symptoms, and others cure the infection.

Monday, May 24, 2021

Common Over The Counter Yeast Infection Medicine & Medication

When it's time to choose a yeast infection medicine, it's a choice you want to get right the first time.  Once you've gotten the go-ahead from your doctor, you should already know which active ingredients are safe for you, and relevant to your specific yeast infection.

Before you start taking yeast infection medication, make sure your doctor has ruled out any other causes for your symptoms.  A variety of venereal diseases and bacterial infections share the same symptoms as a yeast infection.

The Purpose of Yeast Infection Medication

About 80% of all yeast infections are caused by the fungus Candida albicans.  Most other yeast infections are caused by either Candida glabrata, or Candida tropicalis. As you'd guess by the names, these fungal infections are related.

Yeast is a normal thing to have in your body, until it gets out of control. However, hot, moist areas of the body such as the rectum, colon, vagina, throat, and intestines can be the site of an overgrowth of yeast.  Once yeast growth gets out of control, the symptoms are typically uncomfortable or painful, not to mention embarrassing.

In general, yeast infection medications are meant as a short-term, fast-acting measure to quickly reverse the infection.  They're not meant as a substitute for correcting any lifestyle problems that lead to repeated yeast infections.  Correcting the root cause and putting your immune system back on track is a much more effective, long-term solution than relying on yeast infection medicines.

Types of Yeast Infection Medicine

The three main types of vaginal yeast infection medication are creams, ovules, and pills.  Yeast infection creams and ovules can be bought without a prescription, while the tablets require a doctor's order.

Aside from fighting the yeast infection, creams are a good choice if your symptoms include irritation or skin pain.  However, the bottom line for you is likely, how soon will the medication be effective?  Different yeast infection medicines are formulated for different time-lines of getting relief.  The shorter the time-line a specific medicine claims to work, the stronger the dose of active ingredient.

Some yeast infection medication will claim to work in just one day.  However, it's very rare that a single day's medication can actually cure your yeast infection.  In any case, you want to be sure you continue taking the medication until it's all gone.  Yeast grows in cultures, and can be pretty resilient.  Stopping your medication before the treatment is through, can allow the yeast infection to recover and affect you again.

In fact, it's not a bad idea to take yeast infection medicine for twice the advertised length of time - with your doctor's permission.

Active Ingredients in Yeast Infection Medications

The wide variety of yeast infection medicines, reflects the wide variety of active ingredients you'll find printed on the side of the packaging.  Each of these drugs are also marketed using brand names, which will be mentioned below.  Here's a list of the active ingredients you'll see in yeast infection medicines:

Vaginal yeast infection: Cause and Treatment

Yeast infection is common in women. Most women contract it from the time they hit puberty till the time they go through menopause. In fact most women suffer from recurring bouts of yeast infection.

Yeast is a fungus that is naturally present on the skin of our body. It grows well in dark and damp corners of our skin and thrives on sweat. Controlled level of yeast, also known as Candida albicans, is tolerable for humans. However, when this level is not maintained, and the fungus is allowed to multiply unsupervised, one is affected with the infection.

Vaginal yeast infection is known as vaginitis. However, women can also suffer from the infection in their vulva. This is known as vulvitis. In some cases the infection can start at the vagina and spread to the vulva. In such cases the condition is known as vulvovaginitis.

Looking out for signs of Candidiasis

The symptoms of vaginal yeast infection are quite similar to that of certain sexually transmitted diseases. Therefore, the patient may not even realize that she has the infection until diagnosed by the medical expert. However, there are some telltale signs of Candidiasis, as yeast infection is scientifically known.

Redness of the skin where the infection has affected is common. Itchiness accompanied with localized pain is also usual. Sometimes, this pain can aggravate if the woman has sex while suffering from yeast infection. In fact, in such cases, she is responsible for transmitting the infection to the partner.

Sometimes, there is a white discharge in the vaginal area which resembles cottage cheese. If the discharge is odorless then you have yeast infection. However, if it is accompanied with a strange smell, then you probably have an STD.

Cause and detection

The easiest way to detect yeast infection is to test tissue samples from the suspected area of affliction in the laboratory.

If treatment is not prompt chances of the fungus multiplying out of control are greater. This can also enter the bloodstream, a condition known as Systemic Candida. This is responsible for weakening the immune system.

Vaginal yeast infection can occur due to a variety of reasons. One of the most common ones is the regular intake of antibiotics or other immunosuppressant drugs to treat other diseases. Antibiotics leave harmful antibodies in the system which destroys the good bacteria responsible for keeping the level of yeast in the body under control. This results in the multiplication of the fungus, causing the infection.

Excessive consumption of complex glucose, carbohydrates and Trans fat food items can introduce new strains of yeast into the body which can cause Candidiasis. In fact any food item containing yeast should be avoided if you are suffering from yeast infection.


Treating yeast infection can be simple if you are regular with it. Although topical as well as oral medication is available for it, they usually treat the symptom and not the cause. This results in recurrence of yeast infection in individuals. Natural treatment is more effective since it concentrates on the root cause.

Age Specific and Sex Related Differences in Yeast Infections

Yeast infection may have similar symptoms. Whether it is a burning pain, discomfort, or white spots. But did you know that each sex and age have different infections and causes? We will understand about this

What is Yeast Infection?

Yeast infection is probably the most common type of vaginal infection that affects women. Yeast is a fungus that naturally grows in the mouth or even in the armpits in both men and women, and in the vaginal area for women. The level of yeast is controlled by good bacteria that help maintain the pH or acidity level of the area.

The fungus yeast is scientifically known as Candida albicans. The yeast infection is known as Candidiasis. It is marked with inflammation of the skin around the area affected, along with irritation, itchiness and redness. Scratching or agitating the area will only aggravate the situation.

It is necessary to wear comfortable underwear if a woman is affected by vaginal yeast infection. Although it is not a sexually transmitted disease, the infection can be transferred during intercourse to a male partner. He may feel discomfort, itchiness and swelling of the head of his penis. This is known as balanitis.

Yeast infection in women

70% of all women experience this problem, most of them will find yeast infections in the vagina. It is mainly due to the level of progesterone in women. Pregnant women have a greater chance of developing this disease.

Yeast infection in men

Yeast infections in men are less common in women. The main cause is infection from having sex with a partner. The occurrence of this disease occurs around the penis.

Yeast infection in Baby

Most of them will be infected from the mother who is suffering from this disease. Most children will develop this symptom in the mouth.

Yeast infection in the elderly

As people get older, the immune system in the body decreases. Thus increasing the chance of getting infected.

If you are currently experiencing this problem and need good resources to avoid it. Here are some books that will help you better understand yeast infections and be able to treat them naturally. And does not cause this disease again You can read more information at the details in the link below.

Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Yeast Infection In Mouth – All You Wanted To Know

Thrush is a common form of infection that occurs in the mouth. It affects people of all age and children are no exceptions to it. Thrush is caused by multiplication of yeast in the mouth area and leaves a trail of infection which is very painful and annoying. It makes chewing very difficult and eating becomes a tough exercise. Candida Albicans is a bad a bacteria which naturally exists within our body. In normal terms this bad bacteria can live in our body without being threatening or harmful in any way. But the key here is the quantity or the levels of these bacteria. Usually the acidity levels inside the mouth area controls the quantity of Candida. If the acidity level decreases the bacteria levels increases there by causing yeast infection in mouth.

Yeast Infection In Mouth –Oral thrush is common among the following groups of people:

Babies, especially new born babies

Denture users

People with high blood sugar or Diabetes

People taking antibiotics

Cancer patients or other patients undergoing Chemotherapy

People with deficient immune systems

Improper or unbalanced diet

Generally all the above factors might lead to mouth infection one way or the other. Especially when you are talking about babies, their systems are not fully developed in their body (especially mouth) there by making them very vulnerable for mouth infections. As they don’t have enough good bacteria by nature to fight with the bad bacteria which cause yeast infection in mouth.
Yeast Infection In Mouth – Symptoms:

There can be various symptoms which would signal the occurrence of yeast infection in mouth. They these symptoms include whitish patches which form on the month. When touched these patches would start bleeding. Touching these patches may lead to serious wounds so you advised not to touch them. Other symptoms would include great discomfort and burning sensation in the mouth. If you do get these symptoms you must hesitate to consult the doctor to confirm if the condition is actually a thrush. For this you might need to undergo a series of basic tests. In babies clinical pictures will assist the doctor to determine if the infection is thrush. In case of the adults its important to confirm the infection is actually thrush or if its any other serious disease like cancer as it show similar symptoms was well.

Yeast Infection In Mouth – Treatments:

There are numerous methods to treat yeast infection in mouth. But the important thing is that root cause of the infection has to be discovered and efforts should be made to solve the mail cause. If you have dentures make sure you change them and get ones of better quality & ones that fit better. If you are a diabetic and you are suffering from mouth yeast infection you would need to consult a doctor to find a way to reduce sugar levels in the body. If are not eating a proper balanced diet and make sure that you staring consuming food which improve your strength and also improve your immune system.

Yeast infection in mouth can’t be ignored a minor ailment as they might cause a lot of devastation. So must act quickly and find ways to cure it at the earliest. Anti fungal medication would be needed to kill the yeast in the mouth. Some of the most common medications are Nystatin and others. You must consult a doctor before you go buy medication directly from the pharmacy. Foremost thing is that you must confirm the infection you have is a mouth infection and not any other serious disease.

Can You Prevent A Yeast Infection By The Clothing You Wear

A yeast infection is something that most women dread. Unfortunately, yeast infections can be a very normal part of many women’s lives.

It’s important to understand that some people are just prone to yeast infections. There are a lot of things that you can do in order to prevent yeast infections, however, by following just a few simple steps.

What you wear, how you wear it and how you clean your clothes can make a big difference in the number of yeast infections you get each year

Most women hope to never get a yeast infection and once they do get it, it’s an experience they won’t forget (and hope to never have to endure again). You can lower your chances of getting a yeast infection by making a few simple lifestyle changes.

Make sure that you’re keeping your vaginal area clean and washing it thoroughly each time you bathe. Do not use perfumed soaps or soaps which may irritate the skin in your vaginal area. It’s also very important that you’re thoroughly drying your vaginal area before getting dressed after you’ve bathed.

You should be wearing cotton underwear as well as pantyhose with a cotton crotch (if you must wear pantyhose at all – avoid it if at all possible). Avoid sharing towels and washcloths with other people.

If you’re not doing so already, wash all undergarments separate than the rest of the wash. Use a scent-free detergent and wash in hot water. Do not use fabric softener on your undergarments. If you do get a yeast infection, boil all of your underwear for 10 to 15 minutes or run through the sanitary cycle of your washer if it has one before wearing them again.

Make sure you’re washing all newly purchased underwear before wearing them. Avoid wearing clothing which is tight in the crotch area. If you workout or go swimming, make sure to change out of your workout clothes or your swimsuit immediately. Rinse your vaginal area off and dry thoroughly before getting dressed.

Avoid using scented sanitary pads or tampons and make sure you’re changing them frequently. Avoid douching all together and use antibiotics only when necessary.

It’s important to keep the right balance of yeast and bacteria in your body. Your body does need some good bacteria in order to fight off infection. If your immune system is low, you have a better chance of getting an infection and your body will have a tougher time of fighting it off.

Pay attention to your body and seek treatment immediately if you suspect you have a yeast infection. Make sure that you complete the treatment even if symptoms subside before treatment is complete.

Chronic Yeast Infection: All About you need to know

Chronic Candida has never been clearly defined and a workable diagnostic approach has never been put forth. While there is no doubt that there are individuals who suffer from some (or all) of the symptoms of a vaginal yeast infection, there has been no testing done that can link these symptoms to a candida infection.

Chronic Yeast Infection – Are You At Risk?

Yeast syndrome is a condition that affects approximately 1/3 of the Western industrialized countries. When the syndrome invades the vagina, it results in vaginitis. In the mouth, it's thrush. Athlete's foot, ringworm, jock itch and even diaper rash can develop as a result of this syndrome.

The major signs of yeast syndrome are:

- Diarrhea
- Belching/bloating
- Chronic heartburn
- Scaly skin
- Itching
- Blurred vision
- Tearing or burning eyes
- Sore or bleeding gums
- Dry mouth
- Bad breath
- Muscle aches and pains
- Nasal congestion
- Cough
- Frequent urination
- Vaginal discharge
- Vaginal itching

Chronic Candida is recurrent episodes of vaginitis associated with the classic symptoms of pruritus, burning and abnormal discharge; however, there can be other systemic symptoms such as fatigue, headache and/or irritability.

For medical providers who believe that there is such a malady, they have recommended such therapies as:

1. Long-term therapy with antifungal agents at increasing doses until resolution of symptoms. Oral and usually vaginal nystatin are recommended.
2. Diet modification including restriction of sugar and other simple carbohydrates.
3. Candida allergy shots.
4. Avoidance of mouldy environments.

At present, there are no useful approaches to diagnosing or treating chronic candidiasis. The most important Candida treatment is keeping your blood glucose (sugar) in target and moderately reducing the carbohydrates in your diet. Candida diets sharply restrict “empty calorie” sugar products, grains, and alcoholic beverages. They may also restrict foods that are high-in yeast such as mushrooms, stinky cheese, vinegar, olives, soy sauce and pickles.

Other tips include:

• Keeping blood glucose levels in range will go a long way towards fending off yeast infections.

• Yeast loves sugar and a diet high in carbohydrates, or, hyperglycemia is an invitation for yeast to breed and become bothersome. Your doctor can advise you if you need to follow a special diet for yeast infections.

• Wear lose clothing; don't sit around in wet places or in a wet bathing suit. You might try using baby powder in areas that sweat and chafe.

• Since it is not uncommon for men to transmit yeast to women during sexual contact, shower or bath if you seem to get yeast infections after being with your partner.

• Early intervention. See your doctor for yeast infections that do not respond to over-the-counter medications.

Who can get chronic yeast infection?

Yeast infection can be seen in men, women and even children. You would have heard women complaining about the yeast infection and its discomforts. With this you cannot come to a conclusion that only women get infected from this Candida fungal infection. Even new born babies get infected by yeast infection due to transmission from the mother during natural delivery. So, these infants will be born with thrush or yeast. Men also get infected with chronic yeast infection from physical contact. However, this is definitely not a physically transmitted disease; it’s just an infection.
Which part gets affected by chronic yeast infection?

Anyone can get yeast infection in the mouth, throat or in male/female reproductive parts or areas. Once you realize that you have infected, then the battle of treatment arises. If you are a person who gets infected quiet often, you might have chronic yeast infection issues. Yeast infection could be a symptom of some other issue too. So, it’s always better to consult a doctor and take treatment for yeast infection.

The present traditional medical community does not identify chronic yeast infections. The treatment is also difficult as it could be any yeast infection. You might get chronic yeast infection during pregnancy, low immune system, eating too much of carbohydrates, overuse of antibiotics, eating too much of yeast products, cortisone and oral contraceptives.
Symptoms of chronic yeast infection

The symptoms of yeast infection include itching, pain, curd like lesions, white creamy discharge, minor bleeding etc. Chronic colds mostly in children are a symptom of yeast infection. Digestive problems, sleep problems, fatigue and irritability are other symptoms that can be included for yeast infection. If you have a frequent difficulty with this fungal illness, it's likely you could be experiencing Chronic Yeast Infection Syndrome.

Who is at risk or the most susceptible to chronic yeast infection?

Not everyone gets infected by yeast. The common victims of yeast infections are people low immune system or with immune system disorders, Crohn’s disease, AIDS/HIV, Lupus, hives, cancer and pregnant women. You would have noticed that the above mentioned people always suffer low immune system and hence are most susceptible to the Candida fungal infection. Just like any other infection, yeast infection too doesn’t distinguish between men, women, adolescents and infants or children. Thus, everyone can suffer from yeast infection and its symptoms. 
Best treatment plans for chronic yeast infection

Anytime natural treatments are proved to be healthier for humans and also provide a more permanent solution for chronic yeast infection. You might want to know what includes or what comprises of natural treatment. You normal day to day intake includes natural treatment. Can’t believe it? Yes. You must eat yogurt without sugar on daily basis, apply tea tree oil, taking oregano oil by mouth (do follow the instructions given by the manufacturer), colon and system filter detox that is preventative measures to be taken twice a year includes your natural treatment.

It’s always important to practice good hygiene and keep the area dry which is a preventative measure, use Aloe Vera, Zinc and regular exercise to release toxins that activate the Candida fungus. More than anything, do follow a good diet and intake multivitamin while adapting the natural options in order to manage, prevent and possibly cure chronic yeast infection for some people.  At the same time, few products may not suit you. So, you need to be very careful in knowing the items that suit you well and the ones that doesn’t suit you before you start any diet. So, always consult a doctor before starting any diet, exercise or supplement program.

Monday, April 19, 2021

Boric Acid And The Treatment Of Yeast Infections

Yeast infections are very common. However, they can be treated very easily. There are many treatments, including over the counter medications and all natural medications.

Yeast infections have many treatments. One of them is Boric acid, which is a chemical substance with mild antiseptic, antifungal, and antiviral properties.

Boric acid is commonly used in the form of suppositories inserted in the vagina to treat yeast infection.

In one study of 100 women with chronic yeast vaginitis that had failed to respond to treatment with over-the-counter or prescription antifungal medicines, 98% of the women successfully treated their infections with boric acid capsules inserted into the vagina twice per day for two to four weeks. Several commercial douching products contain boric acid.

Boric acid is a white, odorless powder or crystalline substance that is available in many over-the-counter pharmaceutical products for topical use, alone as a topical antiseptic, and in suppository form.

Boric acid is available in powder form from a pharmacy, without a prescription. This powder can be packed into an empty gelatin capsule and used as a suppository. For women with vaginitis, some doctors recommend that one such capsule, containing 600 mg of boric acid, be inserted into the vagina each night for two weeks. Some people may need to take it in the morning and the evening. It can be taken with a vitamin E capsule or used with vitamin E oil to reduce the chances of irritation.

Some health food stores have suppositories that contain a combination of boric acid and herbs. Some pharmacies can prepare boric acid capsules for you. Ask for size "0" gelatin capsule filled with 600 mg of powdered boric acid in each capsule.

Yeast infection treatment typically takes three to seven days. Chronic yeast infections may require a longer treatment. However, be aware that using boric acid suppositories for more than a week can cause irritation of the vulva and vagina.

Boric acid suppositories should not be used during pregnancy. Boric acid is very toxic when taken internally and should also never be used on open wounds. When boric acid enters the body, it can cause nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, dermatitis, kidney damage, acute failure of the circulatory system, and even death.

In the past, boric acid was used as a topical treatment for infants with diaper rash. However, even in diluted (3%) form it caused significant toxicity and two deaths. Therefore, boric acid should not be applied to the skin of infants and small children. However, in more recent research, no serious side effects were reported when boric acid was used as a treatment for vaginitis.