A yeast infection is something that most women dread. Unfortunately, yeast infections can be a very normal part of many women’s lives.
It’s important to understand that some people are just prone to yeast infections. There are a lot of things that you can do in order to prevent yeast infections, however, by following just a few simple steps.
What you wear, how you wear it and how you clean your clothes can make a big difference in the number of yeast infections you get each year
Most women hope to never get a yeast infection and once they do get it, it’s an experience they won’t forget (and hope to never have to endure again). You can lower your chances of getting a yeast infection by making a few simple lifestyle changes.
Make sure that you’re keeping your vaginal area clean and washing it thoroughly each time you bathe. Do not use perfumed soaps or soaps which may irritate the skin in your vaginal area. It’s also very important that you’re thoroughly drying your vaginal area before getting dressed after you’ve bathed.
You should be wearing cotton underwear as well as pantyhose with a cotton crotch (if you must wear pantyhose at all – avoid it if at all possible). Avoid sharing towels and washcloths with other people.
If you’re not doing so already, wash all undergarments separate than the rest of the wash. Use a scent-free detergent and wash in hot water. Do not use fabric softener on your undergarments. If you do get a yeast infection, boil all of your underwear for 10 to 15 minutes or run through the sanitary cycle of your washer if it has one before wearing them again.
Make sure you’re washing all newly purchased underwear before wearing them. Avoid wearing clothing which is tight in the crotch area. If you workout or go swimming, make sure to change out of your workout clothes or your swimsuit immediately. Rinse your vaginal area off and dry thoroughly before getting dressed.
Avoid using scented sanitary pads or tampons and make sure you’re changing them frequently. Avoid douching all together and use antibiotics only when necessary.
It’s important to keep the right balance of yeast and bacteria in your body. Your body does need some good bacteria in order to fight off infection. If your immune system is low, you have a better chance of getting an infection and your body will have a tougher time of fighting it off.
Pay attention to your body and seek treatment immediately if you suspect you have a yeast infection. Make sure that you complete the treatment even if symptoms subside before treatment is complete.
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