Yeast infection is common in women. Most women contract it from the time they hit puberty till the time they go through menopause. In fact most women suffer from recurring bouts of yeast infection.
Yeast is a fungus that is naturally present on the skin of our body. It grows well in dark and damp corners of our skin and thrives on sweat. Controlled level of yeast, also known as Candida albicans, is tolerable for humans. However, when this level is not maintained, and the fungus is allowed to multiply unsupervised, one is affected with the infection.
Vaginal yeast infection is known as vaginitis. However, women can also suffer from the infection in their vulva. This is known as vulvitis. In some cases the infection can start at the vagina and spread to the vulva. In such cases the condition is known as vulvovaginitis.
Looking out for signs of Candidiasis
The symptoms of vaginal yeast infection are quite similar to that of certain sexually transmitted diseases. Therefore, the patient may not even realize that she has the infection until diagnosed by the medical expert. However, there are some telltale signs of Candidiasis, as yeast infection is scientifically known.
Redness of the skin where the infection has affected is common. Itchiness accompanied with localized pain is also usual. Sometimes, this pain can aggravate if the woman has sex while suffering from yeast infection. In fact, in such cases, she is responsible for transmitting the infection to the partner.
Sometimes, there is a white discharge in the vaginal area which resembles cottage cheese. If the discharge is odorless then you have yeast infection. However, if it is accompanied with a strange smell, then you probably have an STD.
Cause and detection
The easiest way to detect yeast infection is to test tissue samples from the suspected area of affliction in the laboratory.
If treatment is not prompt chances of the fungus multiplying out of control are greater. This can also enter the bloodstream, a condition known as Systemic Candida. This is responsible for weakening the immune system.
Vaginal yeast infection can occur due to a variety of reasons. One of the most common ones is the regular intake of antibiotics or other immunosuppressant drugs to treat other diseases. Antibiotics leave harmful antibodies in the system which destroys the good bacteria responsible for keeping the level of yeast in the body under control. This results in the multiplication of the fungus, causing the infection.
Excessive consumption of complex glucose, carbohydrates and Trans fat food items can introduce new strains of yeast into the body which can cause Candidiasis. In fact any food item containing yeast should be avoided if you are suffering from yeast infection.
Treating yeast infection can be simple if you are regular with it. Although topical as well as oral medication is available for it, they usually treat the symptom and not the cause. This results in recurrence of yeast infection in individuals. Natural treatment is more effective since it concentrates on the root cause.
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