Treatments available in discount and drug stores for vaginal yeast infections can be messy and expensive. Even if you buy off brand treatments, you’re still paying $10 or more per treatment.
More and more women are turning to alternative treatment methods and home remedies. Some women find it difficult to justify killing a bacterial infection with use of more medication. Sometimes medication just doesn’t do it.
People in the medical field just do not take vaginal yeast infections seriously and consider them to be a very minor irritation
For some women who experience recurring vaginal yeast infections, they are not a minor irritation. If you are getting a yeast infection four or more times a year, you’re getting chronic infections. This may be because the treatments you are using aren’t completely getting rid of the infection. I once went to the doctor for a yeast infection and paid over $20 for one pill which was supposed to kill the infection. The doctor told me that if the pill didn’t work, I should buy an over-the-counter treatment and use it. Since then, I have not gone to the doctor for a yeast infection treatment. Why bother if I’m just going to have to spend additional money on an over-the-counter treatment?
Let’s face it, it’s not in the best interest of the doctors or the manufacturers of the treatments for the treatment to be 100% effective. They definitely don’t want you to find out that you can treat your yeast infection naturally because we spend a lot of money on their products. If you get a yeast infection once a month, you’re spending a week out of each month treating an infection and are spending anywhere from $10 to $20 for treatment. That’s $120 to $240 a year! That’s insane!
Yogurt naturally fights yeast infections. You can eat a serving of plain yogurt every day to help prevent recurring yeast infections. If you already have a yeast infection and would like to attempt to treat it naturally, purchase a carton of plain yogurt. The yogurt should be plain with no added sugar or fruit. One reason we get yeast infections is because of the additional sugar our bodies create sometimes (which is why diabetics and pregnant women often suffer from vaginal yeast infections more than others). The yogurt should have active cultures (read the outside of the container).
Yogurt can be used as a topical treatment much like the ointments and lotions that come in the yeast infection treatment kits. Some women dip a tampon in plain yogurt and insert into the vagina, but I personally feel this is a very bad idea. One of the reasons women sometimes get yeast infections is because using a tampon can create small cuts and tears that bacteria can get into.
You can place a small amount of the yogurt into cheese cloth and insert this into your vaginal opening overnight. This option may not seem very appealing either. Personally, I would obtain a cheap yeast infection kit that comes with the disposable applicator tubes (or save them from the last time) and use it to insert the yogurt into your vagina just like you would insert medicated cream. Make sure you are thoroughly washing and disinfecting the applicator tube if you are saving it to use again. If the yogurt irritates instead of makes you feel better, discontinue use.
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