It is a misconception that women are the only ones that can get yeast infections. Men are also susceptible to penile yeast infections, as well as an oral form of yeast infection. Some men are more vulnerable than others to yeast infections, such as men with HIV. Heterosexual couples could also pass the yeast infection to each other through unprotected sex.
It is a misconception that women are the only ones that can get yeast infections. Men are also susceptible to penile yeast infections, as well as an oral form of yeast infection.
Some men are more vulnerable than others to yeast infections, such as men with HIV. Heterosexual couples could also pass the yeast infection to each other through unprotected sex
Men get yeast infections the same way women do, but with different circumstances. Candida is simply an overgrowth of yeast in the body that can manifest in women or men. Women often experience this as a vaginal infection. For men, Candida often manifests as a rash on your skin. This could be on your arms, your face or the more closed and damp areas like your groin/genital area.
Symptoms of Male Yeast Infection
• Irritation / soreness on the head of the penis
• Reddish rash / itching on the head of the penis
• Small blisters on the head and shaft
• Rash that spreads into the groin and anus with itching and irritation.
• Clumpy discharge from the penis.
Having unprotected sex with a woman with a yeast infection could pass it on to you. This form of infection is passed between people through direct contact and is considered a sexually transmitted disease. A woman with yeast infection could infect her partner, treat her own infection, and then get infected again by the man by having sex with him again. It is always smart to refrain from vaginal intercourse during an infection.
For men, a yeast infection can get worse if not treated. The fungus can start on the head of the penis and it can travel down the shaft, into the moist areas of the groin and onto the anus where it can develop into a painful itchy anal rash. Though rare, the fungus may even travel inside the shaft of the penis where it would then cause a yeasty discharge. This is a horrifying sight and creates painful urination. You may also have the other symptoms of Candida yeast overgrowth, fatigue, stomach bloating / indigestion / burping, brain fog, fungal sinus infections, white film on your tongue, etc.
Prolonged antibiotic use can also cause you to develop a penile yeast infection, although this form is far less common than sexual transmission. Antibiotics could kill the good bacteria keeping the yeast in check, allowing the infection to take over.
Men with diabetes are also more susceptible to yeast infections, due to the higher levels of sugar in the urine. This environment is ideal for increasing the yeast normally present in the groin area. If you have frequent yeast infections due to diabetes consult your doctor immediately.
Condom use has also been known to contribute to yeast infections in gay men. Condoms using a lubricant containing nonoxynol-9 have been known to contribute to the development in anal yeast infections. This is very possibly due to the fact that it is also known to develop vaginal yeast infections among women. If this is a problem for you, try using condoms that do not use nonoxynol-9.
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