Thrush is a common form of infection that occurs in the mouth. It affects people of all age and children are no exceptions to it. Thrush is caused by multiplication of yeast in the mouth area and leaves a trail of infection which is very painful and annoying. It makes chewing very difficult and eating becomes a tough exercise. Candida Albicans is a bad a bacteria which naturally exists within our body. In normal terms this bad bacteria can live in our body without being threatening or harmful in any way. But the key here is the quantity or the levels of these bacteria. Usually the acidity levels inside the mouth area controls the quantity of Candida. If the acidity level decreases the bacteria levels increases there by causing yeast infection in mouth.
Yeast Infection In Mouth –Oral thrush is common among the following groups of people:
Babies, especially new born babies
Denture users
People with high blood sugar or Diabetes
People taking antibiotics
Cancer patients or other patients undergoing Chemotherapy
People with deficient immune systems
Improper or unbalanced diet
Generally all the above factors might lead to mouth infection one way or the other. Especially when you are talking about babies, their systems are not fully developed in their body (especially mouth) there by making them very vulnerable for mouth infections. As they don’t have enough good bacteria by nature to fight with the bad bacteria which cause yeast infection in mouth.
Yeast Infection In Mouth – Symptoms:
There can be various symptoms which would signal the occurrence of yeast infection in mouth. They these symptoms include whitish patches which form on the month. When touched these patches would start bleeding. Touching these patches may lead to serious wounds so you advised not to touch them. Other symptoms would include great discomfort and burning sensation in the mouth. If you do get these symptoms you must hesitate to consult the doctor to confirm if the condition is actually a thrush. For this you might need to undergo a series of basic tests. In babies clinical pictures will assist the doctor to determine if the infection is thrush. In case of the adults its important to confirm the infection is actually thrush or if its any other serious disease like cancer as it show similar symptoms was well.
Yeast Infection In Mouth – Treatments:
There are numerous methods to treat yeast infection in mouth. But the important thing is that root cause of the infection has to be discovered and efforts should be made to solve the mail cause. If you have dentures make sure you change them and get ones of better quality & ones that fit better. If you are a diabetic and you are suffering from mouth yeast infection you would need to consult a doctor to find a way to reduce sugar levels in the body. If are not eating a proper balanced diet and make sure that you staring consuming food which improve your strength and also improve your immune system.
Yeast infection in mouth can’t be ignored a minor ailment as they might cause a lot of devastation. So must act quickly and find ways to cure it at the earliest. Anti fungal medication would be needed to kill the yeast in the mouth. Some of the most common medications are Nystatin and others. You must consult a doctor before you go buy medication directly from the pharmacy. Foremost thing is that you must confirm the infection you have is a mouth infection and not any other serious disease.