Okay, how to get rid of a yeast infection naturally? Well, there are many tips out there, but how do you separate the worthless ones from those that can actually deliver on their promise?
The first thing to do is to get a better understanding of what a yeast infection is and what causes it. You can then put that knowledge to good use in pinpointing those natural remedies that are effective and safe…
But first we need to ask ourselves, why would anyone want to treat their yeast infection naturally and not use the drug-based medications you can easily get over-the-counter or by a doctor’s prescription?
I mean, if there are drugs out there that can eliminate yeast infection, why not use them?
Okay, I understand that for some people these drugs can have some pretty unfortunate side effects, but for the majority of folks they won’t.
And, I guess, their cost could be a factor for many sufferers, especially in today’s financial climate. But, nevertheless, for most of us if these drugs worked then we would use them wouldn’t we?
And there is the answer; they don’t work, or at least, they don’t ‘cure’ the yeast infection. Let me explain…
Whilst the typical creams, pessaries, etc., can eventually get rid of the yeast infection symptoms over time in most people, the fact is they are anti-fungal drugs which are designed to kill the yeast-like fungus (called Candida albicans) that give you the symptoms known as yeast infection (Candida).
The Candida fungi occur naturally in our bodies, but are usually checked in their growth by our bodies’ friendly bacteria, so that they normally don’t have a chance to ‘overgrow’ into an infection.
However, when the conditions are right, the fungi can overgrow into a yeast infection. So what are these conditions?
The critical underlying conditions that, when present, give rise to a yeast infection are; too high blood sugar levels, compromised immune system, beneficial bacteria depletion, hormonal imbalance and certain drugs.
So when one, or all, of these are present, then the Candida fungi can grow and flourish, causing a yeast infection.
In other words, these are the real culprits, the real root cause(s) of yeast infections. And it’s these that need to be addressed in order to get rid of Candida, not just the symptoms, as mainstream treatment does.
Now that you know what yeast infection is and what the key underlying causes are, you are in a much better position to start to consider what natural remedies there are that can effectively and safely get rid of your infection….
How to Get Rid of a Yeast Infection Naturally and Safely
Remembering that you need to get rid of the yeast infection symptoms and address the underlying Candida cause(s) to prevent it returning, you need to use a multi-pronged approach for success…
3 Simple Steps to Getting Rid of a Yeast Infection Naturally
Here are three simple steps to take to help you eliminate your yeast infection naturally…
Step 1. First off, get a proper diagnosis from your doctor…
The typical symptoms can also be signs of other maladies, so it’s very important to get your doctor to confirm that it is indeed a Candida infection.
Step 2. Start to work on the symptoms…
Plain, natural yogurt (no sugar, no fruit, no additives) can be applied topically. This kind of yogurt contains live, active cultures which are good bacteria and so can help fight the fungi.
For vaginal yeast infection, you can coat a tampon and leave in place during the night. Repeat until the symptoms have abated.
And by also consuming this type of yogurt daily you are helping to fight the fungi in your gut, by re-balancing the good bacteria / bad bacteria situation in there.
Garlic is also a big favorite. Make a paste out of a peeled clove of garlic and also apply it topically. It has great anti-fungal properties as well as being able to reduce blood sugar levels.
So as well as addressing the symptoms, it is helping to eliminate the fungi’s favorite food, sugar. And eating plenty of garlic helps inside the gut too.
Another natural anti-fungal agent is cinnamon. It is especially effective taken as a tea or tincture (see your local health food store or pharmacy).
But, not only does it help to attack the fungi, because it has astringent properties as well, it can help to heal any leaky gut you may have as a result of the fungi overgrowth there.
Step 3. Address the underlying issues…
When the flora of the intestines are out of balance, you need to re-balance the situation by repopulating your gut with friendly bacteria.
As described above, eating natural yogurt daily can help to do this, but using probiotics is even more effective.
These are made up of live, friendly bacteria in powder or capsule form. Pop into your local health food store or pharmacy.
The yeast fungi’s food source is sugar, so you need to reduce its levels in your blood stream.
Avoid sugar, in all its forms, in your diet. This is really important. And also avoid refined carbohydrates which reduce to sugars in your digestive system.
If you are on certain drugs, e.g. antibiotics, you should talk to your doctor about alternatives, because these can kill your good bacteria as well as the bad guys.
Talk to him / her about any other drugs you may be taking, as these could be affecting your auto-immune system.
And consider that modern day farming methods mean that much of our meat, poultry and fish have been treated with antibiotics, etc.
Other things that can negatively affect your immune system are things like stress and poor diet. So exercise daily to help reduce stress. Check out stress-reducing exercises and techniques online too.
Talk to your doctor and approved dietitian about your diet and get it back onto a healthy level.
If you are a female, get your doctor to test you for any hormonal imbalance. Then discuss with him / her some of the following natural ways to re-balance your hormones:-
- eat organic foods
- reduce meats
- eat plenty organic vegetables
- avoid processed foods
- avoid dairy products from animals that have been fed with antibiotics and growth hormones
- eat plenty of oily fish (not farmed)
- stop using feminine hygiene products
- drink plenty of water
- avoid caffeine
Getting Rid of Candida Holistically
The above are three essential steps on your way to getting rid of a yeast infection naturally and safely. But, there are many more things to consider, just far too many to discuss here.
In a nutshell, the key is that an effective cure for yeast infection and its future prevention is dependent on your overall health position.
And your health just isn’t based on physical aspects, your overall health is affected by emotional, spiritual and environmental aspects too.
So, for more on how to get rid of a yeast infection naturally, please click here.